7cm pot and 9cm pot available
Aeonium sunbust belonging to Crassulaceae and lotus palm. The fleshy leaves are arranged in a rosette shape, and the diameter of the leaf disc is 15 to 20 cm. The leaves are obovate, green to dark green in the middle, with yellow and pinkish markings on the edge, fine teeth on the edge of the leaf, and small tips on the top. Huaye Hanyueye is a horticultural variety, suitable for growing in a place with warm winter and cool summer and bright light. It is usually maintained on the south balcony or south window sill. Plants grow slowly when the temperature is high in summer, and ventilation and watering should be strengthened. In the spring and autumn growing seasons, keep the pot soil slightly dry to avoid accumulation of water, and apply "low nitrogen, high phosphorus and potassium" thin fertilizer once a month. In winter, maintain a room temperature of about 10°C. Do not pour too much water to avoid rot.
灿烂是景天科、莲花掌属多年生肉质草本植物,肉质叶呈莲座状排列,叶盘直径15厘米至20厘米。叶片倒卵形,中间绿色至墨绿色,边缘有黄色中略带粉红色的斑纹,叶缘有细密的小齿,顶端有小尖。 花叶寒月夜为园艺品种,适宜在冬暖夏凉和光线明亮的地方生长,平时放在南阳台或南窗台养护,夏季高温时植株生长缓慢,应加强通风,节制浇水。春秋两季的生长季节,保持盆土稍偏干,避免积水。